

Protect Your Brain Health: How Lifestyle Changes and Medical Intervention Can Help Prevent Stroke

By Dr. Atul Prasad in Centre For Neurosciences

Mar 22 , 2023 | 5 min read

What is Brain Stroke and How Can It Be Prevented?

A stroke is a medical emergency that can happen when blood flow to the brain is blocked or when there is bleeding in the brain. This can cause brain damage or even death, so it's crucial to seek immediate medical help. Strokes are a leading cause of long-term disability and death in elderly individuals. However, stroke can affect anyone from children to adults. Some medical conditions can also increase the risk of stroke. These include high blood pressure, high cholesterol or Type 2 diabetes. People who have a history of stroke, heart attackor abnormal heart rhythms also have a higher likelihood. Nevertheless, stroke prevention can be done by adopting a healthy lifestyle and proper medical intervention. All you need to do is eat healthily, exercise regularly, avoid smoking or drinking alcohol and consume medicines prescribed by the healthcare professional. These lifestyle practices can reduce the risk of excessive fat deposition in the arteries, thus inhibiting stroke.

Healthy living

A healthy lifestyle is key to preventing stroke and reducing the risk of brain stroke symptoms. Choosing a healthy lifestyle can benefit an individual by not only preventing stroke but also a lot of other health issues. Following proper guidelines given by the health care team along with leading a healthy lifestyle can preclude anyone from having strokes.

One Can Prevent Stroke by Making the Following Healthy Lifestyle Choices:

Including Healthy Foods and Drinks in the Diet

Choosing the right types of food is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. An unhealthy diet can increase blood pressure and cholesterol levels which might be the cause of stroke and other health disorders. Be sure to have a low-fat, high-fibre diet consisting of plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The amount of salt consumption must also be kept in mind. It should not exceed more than 6g each day, which is nearly a spoonful. Eating foods with such constituents will help to maintain a healthy weight and prevent the risk of developing high cholesterol and blood pressure, thus reducing the chances of stroke.

Keeping a Healthy Weight

A person who is overweight and suffering from obesity has a higher risk for stroke. To understand whether the weight is in a healthy range, doctors calculate the body mass index (BMI). Combining a healthy diet with routine exercise is the key to maintaining a healthy weight. This can keep anyone from health-related disorders and enablestroke prevention.

Regular Exercise and Physical Activity

Regular physical activity including yoga, walking or cycling can help anyone keep a healthy weight and reduce cholesterol and blood pressure levels. For adults, doctors recommend 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical exercise. While for children and teenagers, 1 hour of physical activity is recommended each day.

Stub Out Smoking

Cigarette smoking seriously impacts health and increases the possibility of having a stroke. This is because it narrows down the arteries leading to blood clotting. Apart from a stroke, it can also lead to other serious health illnesses like lung cancer and heart disease.

Cutting Down on Alcohol

Alcohol drinks have high calories and heavy drinks multiply the chances of weight gain. Thus, extreme alcohol intake leads to high blood pressure and triggers atrial fibrillation. Both can increase the risk of having a stroke. Men and women are advised not to drink regularly or consume more than 14 units a week.

Managing Medical Conditions

If any person is diagnosed with a condition which can induce stroke, it is very essential to take the necessary medicines to control it. For example, a person with heart disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure must seek advice from the doctor to take essential steps for preventing the risk of stroke.

Checking Cholesterol Levels

Doctors usually prescribe tests for detecting cholesterol levels at least once every five years. This will enable proper detection of health conditions by simple blood tests. Thus, talking with the health care team about the blood test results and consuming appropriate medicines along with lifestyle changes can help in furtherstroke prevention.

Managing Blood Pressure Level

High blood pressure levels might not have any significant symptoms but can cause serious health problems like stroke. Thus, it is highly essential to get the pressure level checked regularly. If anyone has high blood pressure levels, the doctor may recommend limiting salt or sodium intake along with medication and lifestyle changes.

Managing Diabetes

Diabetes can cause pathological changes in blood vessels and is a well-established risk factor for stroke. Additionally, mortality rates are higher in patients with stroke having unrestrained glucose levels. Thus, managing diabetes by getting regular blood sugar level tests is very essential to evade stroke. Treating Heart Disease Heart disorders such as coronary artery disease or atrial fibrillation can enhance the risk of stroke. This is due to the building up of plaques in the arteries, thus blocking the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain. Doctors may recommend medical treatment or surgery to cure such heart problems and thus prevent stroke incidence.

Taking Appropriate Medicine

When someone is already under medication for treating high blood pressure, cholesterol or other heart diseases, there is a higher likelihood of having a stroke if the medicines are not taken properly. Never stop taking medicines without a doctor’s consent.

Working Together With the Healthcare Team

Working jointly with the healthcare team can help anyone avert or cure the medical conditions that lead to stroke. The treatment plans will involve medicine or surgical procedures, and lifestyle changes that help to evade stroke incidence.


1) What are the primary causes of stroke?

Strokes are primarily triggered due to two causes. The first is a blocked artery causing ischemic stroke and the second is due to the leaking or bursting of blood vessels causing a haemorrhagic stroke.

2) What is taken daily to avert strokes?

If someone is having a heart attack or stroke, the healthcare provider may recommend a daily dose of aspirin to prevent further heart attacks or strokes unless he or she has a previous history of allergy or bleeding.

3) What vitamin is beneficial for a stroke?

Research suggests that vitamin D is one of the finest vitamins for stroke prevention and recovery. A daily dose of vitamin D can reduce the risk of another stroke while aiding in brain recovery as well.