

Health Checkup Instruction

You are requested to report for your health check after fasting for a period of 8-10 hours over night. You are advised to NOT consume any solids or liquids EXCEPT water during your period of fasting.

You are supposed to report at OPD 3, first floor at 8:00 am. You have to register yourself first and accordingly get your health package billed and then report to Executive Health check-up area where Patient care executive and the health check-up team will help you.

You are advised to collect urine and stool containers from our Executive Health Checkup
(OPD 3, First floor, Laboratory on Ground Floor) one day prior to your appointed health check date .If unable to collect stool container from the hospital, please use a clean container of your choice for collecting stool sample which can be procured from local Chemist shop or nearby Laboratory.
Please DO NOT use any other container other than the container provided by the hospital for collecting urine samples.
In case you are on the following medications:

  • Anti-diabetics (including Insulin)
  • Antihypertensive
  • Anti- Hypo/Hyper Thyroid Medication
  • Inhalers (Asthma and COPD)

You are advised to delay your morning dose of the medication on the day of your health check as consuming the dose prior to drawing your blood sample may impact your results. Please ensure that you carry your medication with you for the health check so that you can have it as soon as you are advised to do so as scheduled or with consultation with EHC Consultant. Carry all your medical records for any known medical condition (preferably for the last 2 years).

If you are a diabetic or are suffering from any cardiovascular disorder/disease, please inform the EHC counter upon arrival on the day of your health check.
We request you to refrain from smoking/chewing tobacco/consuming alcohol on the day of your health check. We request you to wear glasses and not contact lenses on the day of your health check.

For women who are menstruating on the day of the health check, kindly inform our EHC Consultant /Gynecologist. Women undergoing whole body check (Gold)/ Well women check/breast check/cancer check are advised to refrain from using deodorants/talcum powder on the day of the health check.
In case you are pregnant or if you have missed your period, do inform the EHC Co-coordinator or Consultant immediately on arrival as a few tests may carry a risk of exposure to radiation which may harm the fetus.

We encourage you to bring your running shoes/sneakers in case you might require a Treadmill Test. We encourage you to wear comfortable clothing and footwear on the day of your health check. You may also require changing clothes as required for some tests.
All corporate clients are requested to bring the original credit letter from your company. For identification, kindly bring a valid photo ID Card. Please report to the Executive Health Checkup 10 minutes before the appointed time of your health check on the day of your health check.

Collection of Reports

After the completion of the check up the complete summary along with all reports can be collected on the Third day of the check-up when you shall have a review of the reports with your respective physician. The date of review, however, can be altered for any day after the fourth day as per the choice of the customer. In case you wish to collect some of the reports earlier or get a review appointment before the fourth day, kindly inform your coordinator for assistance.

Instructions while undergoing Health check

You will report to Executive Health check-up lounge after necessary formalities of registration and billing.

Patient care executive will first take your Height, Weight and vitals and you may have to change into comfortable clothing as provided. You shall be given a locker to keep your clothes. However please avoid carrying valuables like cash and jewellery.

After fasting blood samples are collected you will be given 75 gms glucose in a glass of water which you can consume over 5 minutes. After 2 hours of glucose water you will give another blood sample (Post Prandial Glucose). In case you are a diabetic you shall be served breakfast in place of glucose water. If you are a diabetic you can take your medication before your food.

Ultrasound of abdomen will be done in fasting state after holding urine so you can take water to build up urine pressure. Priority will be given to Diabetic patients for Ultrasound to avoid prolonged fasting state. Meanwhile all other investigations like Chest X-ray, ECG, echocardiography, Mammography and consultations with various Doctors like EYE, ENT, Dental, Gynae etc. will be coordinated by the team. Your package may last 3-5 hours depending on the number of tests and the package chosen.

After completion of your package you will be given appointment for consultation with your reports by the coordinator.

For any queries call: 08130697446 (8:00 am – 5:00 pm, working days only) & 011-3040 3040.